Date and Time: 4 July at 7:30 PM CET

Location: Online, Zoom

Discover how to embrace confidence, joy, and relaxation this summer by joining our masterclass. Learn practical tips to break free from diet culture and societal pressures, and find out how to make this summer your best one yet.

  1. Understanding Diet Culture and Its Impact:
    • What is diet culture?
    • How it affects body image and self-worth.
    • Common summer pressures.
  2. Embracing Intuitive Eating:
    • Principles and benefits of intuitive eating.
    • Practical steps to start intuitive eating.
  3. Cultivating Body Neutrality:
    • Difference between body neutrality and body positivity.
    • Daily practices to cultivate a neutral body image.
  4. Building Self-Trust and Finding Joy:
    • Techniques to build self-trust.
    • Activities and habits to foster joy and relaxation.
  5. Interactive Q&A:
    • Get your questions answered.
    • Receive personalized tips and advice.
  • Gain Insightful Knowledge: Understand the impact of diet culture and how to overcome it.
  • Learn Practical Tips: Start practicing intuitive eating and body neutrality.
  • Feel Empowered: Leave with actionable steps to embrace a joyful and confident summer.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your summer. Secure your spot today!

Who is this masterclass for?
This masterclass is designed for busy professional women looking to embrace confidence, joy, and relaxation this summer while rejecting diet culture and societal pressures.

Is the masterclass really free?
Yes, the masterclass is completely free!

How do I join the masterclass?
After registering, you will receive an email with a link to join the online masterclass.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at

Are You Summer Ready?

Take our quick and fun quiz to find out how prepared you are to embrace a confident, joyful, and relaxed summer. The quiz will help you understand your current mindset, assess your readiness for a summer free from diet culture and societal pressures, and provide personalized tips to enhance your summer experience.

Ready to take the quiz? Click here to get started and discover your summer readiness level!

My name is Lamia, and I’m a non diet coach and certified intuitive eating counselor.

I specialize in helping busy professionals and high-achieving women find food freedom and build trust in themselves not just around food, but in all aspects of their lives.

The reason why food freedom is so crucial is that our cognitive biases often hold us back from making meaningful changes in our relationship with food and life. We’ve been taught to believe certain things about food that can affect how we think, feel, and act in other areas of our lives.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for updates and inspiration.

Transform Your Summer, Embrace Confidence, Joy, and Relaxation