Are you tired of restrictive diets and feeling overwhelmed by your relationship with food? It’s time to break free and discover a new way of nourishing yourself. Join the FREE masterclass series designed specifically for busy professional women like you who are ready to embrace food freedom and find balance in their lives.

Masterclass 1 – Non Diet Meal Planning

In this first masterclass, we’ll show you how to create meal plans that are free from dieting rules and restrictions. Learn practical strategies to fuel your body with nutritious meals, even with a packed schedule. Say goodbye to the stress of meal planning and hello to a more intuitive and flexible approach.

Date: Friday, June 16, at 18 PM CET / 12 PM EST

Length: 1- 1.5 hr

Location: Online via Zoom and Facebook

Access: Private Facebook community for ongoing support

Price: Free

Masterclass 2 – Breaking Free from Stress Eating

Do you find yourself reaching for food when stressed or overwhelmed? In this masterclass, we’ll delve into the underlying causes of stress eating and provide you with effective tools to break free from this cycle. Gain control over your stress (or emotional) eating habits and cultivate a healthier relationship with food and your emotions.

Date: Friday, June 23, at 18 PM CET / 12 PM EST

Length: 1- 1.5 hr

Location: Online via Zoom and Facebook

Access: Private Facebook community for ongoing support

Price: Free

Masterclass 3 – Navigating the Food Police at Work

The workplace can be a challenging environment when it comes to food. Join us in this masterclass as we navigate the common struggles faced by busy professional women, including office culture, peer pressure, and diet talk. Discover practical strategies to protect your food freedom and confidently navigate social situations without compromising your well-being.

Date: Friday, June 30, at 18 PM CET / 12 PM EST

Length: 1- 1.5 hr

Location: Online via Zoom and Facebook

Access: Private Facebook community for ongoing support

Price: Free

By registering for the masterclass series, you’ll not only have the opportunity to participate in live coaching sessions but also gain access to a supportive and like-minded community of busy professional women via a private facebook community. Share your journey, ask questions, and receive ongoing support and guidance from both the coach and your peers.

Register now to secure your spot in this transformative masterclass series. Don’t miss the opportunity to fuel your body, mind, and career while embracing a life of food freedom. Even if you’re interested in only one class, your registration gives you access to all three masterclasses! Click the link below to reserve your place!

Can’t attend the masterclasses live?

No worries! All sessions will be recorded and made available in the private facebook community. You can watch them at your convenience and still benefit from the valuable content, coaching insights, and discussions.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I can’t wait to embark on this empowering journey with you!

Meet the coach..

Hi! My name is Lamia, and I am a Non-Diet Coach and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.